Vodafone India has brought a Rs. 649 Red iPhone Forever plan that offers 90GB data along with data rollover and unlimited voice calls. The Rs. 649 Vodafone Red iPhone Forever postpaid plan also comes bundled with the iPhone Forever initiative that is designed to provide replacements, repairs, and upgrades for iPhone users. Vodafone Idea users can also leverage the iPhone Forever programme by opting for the newly launched Nirvana 649 postpaid plan. Catering to iPhone users, the programme supports iPhone 5s and above models and covers accidental physical damage.
Benefits of Vodafone Red iPhone plan
The Rs. 649 Vodafone Red iPhone Forever brings 90GB of data per month along with data rollover support for up to 200GB, as listed on the Vodafone website. The new postpaid plan also offers unlimited local, STD, and roaming calls. Further, there are benefits such as Amazon Prime and Vodafone Play access.
However, what majorly makes the Rs. 649 Vodafone Red postpaid plan the unique offering in the bouquet is the bundling of the iPhone Forever programme. The programme is designed to offer replacements and repairs of iPhone models purchased under 18 months at a handling fee of Rs. 2,000 (excluding GST).
Users can also avail upgrades using the new service by paying the differential cost, which is the cost of the new iPhone after deducting the depreciated value of the old model. Furthermore, the option to opt for an upgrade or repair can be availed on an iPhone model that is older than 18 months.
The iPhone Forever programme can also be availed by Idea Cellular users on Nirvana Rs. 649 plan. The plan also includes 90GB data and unlimited voice calls benefits.
However, the Idea Nirvana postpaid plan doesn't offer all the benefits of the Rs. 649 Vodafone Red iPhone Forever plan that includes Amazon Prime subscribers and access to Vodafone Play. iPhone users with the new Vodafone or Idea postpaid plan need to download the iPhone Forever app on their device to activate the programme.
Telecom Talk first spotted the arrival of the iPhone Forever programme for Vodafone and Idea subscribers. Gadgets 360 was able to independently verify the existence of the new postpaid plans.
Last week, Vodafone had introduced a new prepaid recharge pack for its consumers. Priced at Rs. 351, the new first recharge (FRC) comes with unlimited calling without any FUP limit and 100 SMS messages per day with a validity of 56 days.