Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e and Galaxy Tab A 10.1 have been launched in India today. Both new Galaxy Tab models run Android 9 Pie with One UI on top. Key highlights of the Galaxy Tab S5e include a 5.5mm metallic body, Super AMOLED display, quad speaker system tuned by AKG, DeX support, and an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 SoC. The tablet also has slim bezels and monochromatic finishes that reminds us of the iPad Pro. Further, there is an optional Book Cover Keyboard that connects with the Galaxy Tab S5e through its built-in pogo pin connector. The Galaxy Tab A 10.1, on the other hand, has an LCD panel, stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos surround sound technology, and an octa-core Exynos 7904 SoC.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e, Galaxy Tab A 10.1 price in India, launch offers
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e price in India starts at Rs. 35,999 for the Wi-Fi only model, while it goes up to Rs. 39,999 for the Wi-Fi + LTE variant. The tablet comes in Black, Gold, and Silver colour options and is already available for purchase in the country through Samsung Opera House, multi-brand stores, and Samsung Online Store. The Wi-Fi only variant of the Galaxy Tab S5e is also available through, whereas its Wi-Fi + LTE option has been sold through Flipkart.
As a launch offer, initial customers purchasing the Galaxy Tab S5e are eligible to redeem the Book Cover Keyboard worth Rs. 7,999 at Rs. 3,500.
The Samsung Galaxy A 10.1 price in India, on the other side, starts at Rs. 14,999 for the Wi-Fi only model and its Wi-Fi + LTE variant comes at Rs. 19,999. While the Wi-Fi only Galaxy Tab A 10.1 will be available only through and Samsung Online Store in the country starting June 26, its Wi-Fi + LTE variant will be available through Samsung Opera House and various multi-brand stores, in addition to and Samsung Online Shop, from July 1.