Putting all the rumours to rest, Asus on Thursday made the ZenFone Max Pro M2 official in Russia. The smartphone is set to launch in India on December 11, and it is confirmed to now sport dual back cameras, rear fingerprint sensor, a gradient glossy back, and a display notch up front with 19:9 aspect ratio. The ZenFone Max Pro M2 is powered by the Snapdragon 660 SoC and it is listed to pack a 5,000mAh battery. The smartphone is expected to go head to head with the Redmi Note 6 Pro in the Indian market.
Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1₹ 8,999, the predecessor to the ZenFone Max Pro M2, was a popular choice with buyers, with one million units sold in the country in less than six months, and a rival to Xiaomi's Redmi Note 5 Pro. Since then, Xiaomi has introduced a new offerings of its own around the same price. We pit the Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro₹ 13,999 against the Asus ZenFone Max Pro M2₹ 12,999 to see how the two devices stack up on paper.
Asus ZenFone Max Pro M2 vs Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro price
While the India pricing will be announced on December 11, the Asus ZenFone Max Pro M2 was made official in Russia a day ago, and its price has been set at RUB 17,990 (roughly Rs. 19,000). It is up for pre-orders and will be available from December 12 in the country. In Russia, the smartphone has launched in a single Blue colour option. Asus is offering a free JBL Tuner speaker and a free pair of Asus FonMate headphones to all pre-order customers.
On the other hand, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro price in India is set at Rs. 13,999 for the base 4GB RAM/ 64GB inbuilt storage variant, while the variant with 6GB RAM and 64GB storage goes up to Rs. 15,999. The phone is available for purchase at 12pm via Flipkart and Mi.com, and comes with Black, Blue, Red, and Rose Gold colour options.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Asus ZenFone Max Pro M2 vs Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pr
December 30, 2018